Lady in the Wild West

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Bruschetta with Gorgonzola and Honey

And bacon, too. Because bacon is the perfect finish to any story.

This appetizer was meant to be the start of a cozy dinner for my family, but it ended up being THE cozy dinner for my family, as it was so insanely delicious I made a second batch. We stuffed ourselves silly, covering our laps in crusty bruschetta crumbs, and binged watched Cobra Kai on Netflix. It was a good night.

Can we talk about Cobra Kai for a minute? It’s a spin-off of The Karate Kid and it’s awesome. If you haven’t seen it, do yourself a solid and turn it on. Maybe it’s because I’m a child of the 80’s, and grew up with a Karate loving older brother, but I immediately loved it. It’s action packed, charming, heartfelt, nostalgic, and much like this appetizer, has just the amount of cheese.

Now that I’ve shared my new binge-worthy show, back to the food.

With creamy, bold gorgonzola and sweet, earthy honey, this bruschetta is the love child of sweet and savory. I top it with roasted, thick cut bacon and fresh chopped rosemary, and serve it warm out of the oven. It’s melt in your mouth good. If you’re looking to satisfy a craving, this will check every box.

And it’s a cinch to make. There’s no mixing, no complicated ingredients, very little effort and mess. My advice, because the ingredient list is short, I recommend using the highest of quality so each flavor has a chance to shine. Buy the good stuff, it’s worth it. Especially if it goes from an appetizer to a meal, which it will.

Bruschetta with Gorgonzola and Honey

serves 8-10

You’ll need:

  • olive oil for brushing

  • 1 loaf French bread, cut into 1/2 inch slices

  • 5 oz gorgonzola cheese (I recommend aged and soft)

  • honey

  • 6 slices cooked bacon, chopped into large chunks.

  • 2 tablespoons fresh rosemary, finely chopped

  1. Preheat your oven to 375°F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

  2. Arrange the bread slices in a single layer on the baking sheet. Brush the tops generously with olive oil. Bake for about 10 minutes, till lightly browned and crisp.

  3. Switch the oven to a high broil and set the rack to the second position down.

  4. Top each slice of bread with gorgonzola crumbles and a few pieces of bacon.

  5. Place the sheet under the broiler for a few minutes, watching till the cheese begins to melt slightly. Do not walk away!

  6. Remove the sheet and drizzle each piece generously with honey and chopped rosemary. Serve immediately or at room temperature.
