Lady in the Wild West

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Black Cocoa Brownies

These are not your grandmas’s brownies.

These are not the brownies to make for your kid’s classroom party. These are not the brownies you’d bring to a new neighbor. These are the not the brownies you’d make from a box on a Tuesday night. And these are certainly not the brownies you want to share. No, no. These brownies are something else. They’re on a whole new level. Made with high quality, gourmet ingredients, these are luxury brownies. If that isn’t a thing, it is now.

Yes, luxury brownies. The ultimate indulgence. If you’re going to make a brownie, do it with style. Treat yourself.

You need to plan for these babies. A cozy, quiet corner is essential. No distractions. I recommend a fur throw, moody background music, perhaps a crackling fire. You may even want to light a candle. Yes, treat yourself.

Black cocoa, espresso powder, dark chocolate chips, pure vanilla bean paste, and flaked sea salt. Not your basic ingredients, I know, but they’re key. You need these things in your pantry. Like I said, you need to plan for these brownies. But all great things take time.

  • A few tablespoons of black cocoa is mixed in with unsweetened ground cocoa. It creates a rich gorgeous color and greatly deepens and purifies the chocolate flavor. We’re going dark.

  • Ground espresso powder is added to amplify the chocolate even more. Coffee and chocolate are the best of friends.

  • Dark or bittersweet chocolate chips, because, well…do I really need to explain this? I think not. Just aim for a high cocao percentage.

  • Pure vanilla bean paste has ground vanilla bean flecks and carries far more flavor than basic vanilla extract. I highly recommend it. Let’s not be basic today.

  • Flaked sea salt is the ultimate finish for a brownie. Salt intensifies sweet.

If you’re a lover of dark chocolate, a lover of decadence, a lover of yourself, then these brownies are for you.

Once you’ve tasted the real deal, you’ll never settle for less.

Black Cocoa Brownies

Makes 16 small brownies or 9 large brownies

You’ll need:

  • 10 tablespoons unsalted butter

  • 1 cup + 2 tbsp granulated sugar

  • 3/4 cup ground unsweetened cocoa powder

  • 3 tbsp ground black cocoa (I use King Arthur)

  • 1/4 tsp kosher salt

  • 1 tsp ground espresso powder

  • 1 tsp pure vanilla bean paste

  • 2 eggs

  • 1/2 cup all purpose flour

  • 3/4 cup dark or bittersweet chocolate chips

  • Flaked sea salt for garnish

  1. Preheat your oven to 325°F. Line an 8x8 baking pan with a layer of parchment paper. Cut the parchment to overhang on opposite sides of the pan for easy pull out.

  2. In a large heat safe bowl, set over a pot of simmering water (making a double broiler), combine the butter, sugar, cocoa powders, salt, and espresso powder. With a wooden spoon or rubber spatula, stir until the butter is melted and fully combined.

  3. Remove from the heat and allow the mixture to cool down, just slightly warmer than room temperature.

  4. With a hand held mixer, beat in the vanilla bean paste and eggs, one at a time, mixing well after each addition.

  5. Add the flour and continue mixing till fully combined, for about 30 seconds.

  6. With a wooden spoon or rubber spatula, stir in the chocolate chips.

  7. Spread the batter evenly in the pan. I always scatter a few chocolate chips on top for a nice presentation. Bake the brownies on the center rack for about 20 to 23 minutes. When you test the center with a toothpick it should come out with a few moist crumbs.

  8. Allow the brownies to cool in the pan for about 10 to 15 minutes, then lift out the parchment paper and let them cool completely on a wire rack.

  9. Cut the brownies into squares and sprinkle with flaked sea salt.

  10. Brownies will keep fresh for up to one week in an airtight container.
